HomeAbout UsPortfolioMentorsTeamContact Us apply for cohort 1 HomeAbout UsPortfolioMentorsTeamContact Us X apply for cohort 1 Name of the Company* City of Incorporation* Pin Code* Company's Website* No. Of Team members* Industry* Next Name Role Brief Background and Experience Previous Ventures (if applicable) BackNext Briefly describe your product/service What problem does it solve? Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What sets you apart? Target Market Competitors Competitive Advantage: Why should someone choose you over competitors? BackNext How do you plan to make money? Revenue Streams BackNext How long have you been on this journey? (In Months) Current development stage: Select the stage that best represents your progress: IdeationProof of ConceptPrototype ReadyMinimum Viable ProductLaunched with early active usersCommercialised Key milestones achieved Roadmap for the next 6-12 months BackNext What Is Your Average Revenue (In INR) Per Month In The Past 6 Months? Funding history, if any BackNext Briefly explain who your favourite leaders are and why they inspire you. BackNext How do you want to be recognised in 20 years from now? BackNext Short-term (next 6 months) goals Long-term (next 2-3 years) vision BackNext What are the main challenges you're facing? What specific support are you looking for from LVL1? Attach Your Pitch Deck* Back